Calibrating your scale is the best way to ensure the measurements it takes are accurate. When an object other than a professional calibration weight is used, it throws the entire system out of whack. That inaccurate weight becomes the benchmark, and all measurements taken will be based off this benchmark.
Improper Techniques
There’s a fairly common rumour floating around that encourages using a nickel to calibrate a scale. According to the US Mint, a nickel weighs exactly 5.000 grams. The idea is that you can combine however many nickels needed to reach the scale’s capacity (i.e. for a 100 gram scale, you would need 20 nickels). In reality, the true weight of a nickel fluctuates after it enters circulation. Damage to the coin and debris buildup in the grooves can impact the weight, which could add up to full gram discrepancies in the total weight of the nickels.
Calibration adjustment is permanent, which is why using the proper tools is essential. Truweigh sells both individual calibration weights and weight kits, all of which are professional quality and guarantee accurate calibration.
Setting Up
Before you begin the process of calibrating your scale, it’s important to prepare your station. Unlevel surfaces, high humidity, vibrations, and random air currents are all factors that can negatively impact the calibration. Find a flat, level surface in a room with a comfortable temperature and no drafts. Easily minimize vibrations by putting a mousepad down as your base.
Prepare the weight or weights needed to add up to the total capacity of the weight. For this demonstration, we are using the Truweigh Mini Classic digital scale. This model has a 100 gram capacity, while we also offer a 600 gram capacity model. For scales with larger capacities, like 1,000 grams for example, combine two 500 gram weights to reach the total. As an added precaution, give the platform a quick wipe down with a microfiber cloth to remove any remaining dust or debris.
Calibration 101
Now that everything is properly set up, we’re ready to calibrate. The process is quick and painless, and should leave you with an accurate scale for plenty of uses to come.
1. Press ON/OFF to turn the scale on, and wait for the scale to stabilize, where it reads 0.0g.
2. Press and hold the MODE key, the middle button that says “M”, until the display reads “CAL”.
3. Take one more look at the platform to make sure it is totally bare. Press MODE again to confirm the zero point.
4. The display will flash the required calibration weight, 100 grams in this case.
5. Take your calibration weight and place it on the center of the platform.
6. The display will read “PASS”, and return to normal weighing mode. From here you can turn your scale off or continue weighing.

Calibrating your digital scale is the best way to prolong the scale’s quality and overall lifetime. It only takes a few minutes, and when done correctly, guarantees the measurements you are taking are accurate each and every time. Truweigh digital scales are built to last, as reflected by our 10 Year Warranty, and proper calibration will keep your scale in working condition for years to come.